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Host your own event

How Filmmakers can host their own event.

Written by Sejal Hingrajia
Updated over a year ago

Filmmakers can host their own events with Kinema. The process for doing so is the exact same as your screening hosts. Once your film page is up, go to your film page and click "Create Screening Event."

How Payment Works

If you sell tickets to your event, you will receive 90% of the ticket sales as you act as both the host and the rights holder. The remaining 10% goes to Kinema. You can set these events up on your own at any time.

If you want your event to be free for your audience, you have two options:

  1. Pay your own licensing fee. 80% will go back to you, as you are the rights holder. 20% will go to Kinema to cover the costs of streaming, management and customer service.

  2. Pay Per Usage. We will give you a code to book your event for free.

    1. Virtual Events: You will charged $1 per attendee, billed to you after the event.

    2. In Person Events: You will be charged $25 per event, billed to you after the event.

A standard payment processing fee of 2.9% and 30 cents are deducted prior to all revenue shares.

For these free events, contact us at and we will help get you set up.

Type of Screening Events

On-Demand Virtual Event

Creating an "On-Demand Screening Event" enables your audience to watch a film online in a branded virtual cinema within a limited watch period.

  • You designate the exact start and end date. (Viewing window of 1-30 days)

  • Functions as a TVOD rental for audiences.

  • Audiences have 48 hours to finish the film once started.

  • You set the rental/ticket price - or make it free!

  • Option for lite sponsor branding.

  • Custom calls to action.

  • We recommend offering audiences Zoom call with talent at the end of the screening period. You can link to the zoom line in the virtual cinema.

For more details on how to create an On-Demand Screening click here.

Here is an example of what the On-Demand Virtual Event Cinema looks like:

Live Virtual

Creating a "Virtual" screening means your screening will be live online at your scheduled date and time within your own virtual cinema.

Your audience will watch the film together in a synchronized stream with the option to live text chat, and hear from you directly in a live video broadcast

  • Scheduled showing of the film online.

  • Live text chat for entire audience.

  • Live video broadcast for intros & Q&As.

  • Option for lite sponsor branding.

  • Custom calls to action.

For more details on how to create a Live Virtual Screening click here.

Here's an example of what the live virtual cinema looks like.


Booking an "In-Person" screening means your screening event will be with a live audience in a physical venue such as, but not limited to, a school, college, library, museum, bar, restaurant or house of worship.

As part of your in-person screening booking, you’ll receive a downloadable digital file through our Offline Cinema Player, 72 hours prior to your event time. Watch these videos to learn how we deliver films for in-person screening events

  • Scheduled showing of the film in person.

  • Option for in person intros & Q&As.

  • Cloud-based digital film delivery.

  • No wifi needed after download.

For more details on how to create an In-Person Screening click here.

You can test out the offline cinema player here:

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