As the host of the event, you will receive email notifications for the following:
Event Pending: We have received your booking and will approve it within 48 hours or be in touch with any questions. During office hours events can be approved in as little as 15 minutes.
Event Confirmed: Your event has been approved and you are able to now publish your event. Reminder: Select "public" if you want your event to be listed on our platform.
Tips and Pre-Event Checklist: In advance of your event, you will receive an email with reminder to check the tech, promote your event and contact us with any questions. The content of these email notification vary based on the type of screening you are having.
Reminder: Reminder that your event is coming up with last minute tips and tech check recommendations.
Ticket Confirmation: As the host, you receive one complimentary ticket to your event. If you are selling tickets, this means the ticket fee is waived for you. If your event is licensed (free for your audience) you will be confirmed for one seat/unlock of your licensed audience size.
Survey: After your event, you will receive a request to give us feedback on your experience. We encourage you to also share with us any photos or anecdotes to pass on to the filmmakers!
Your audience members will also receive email confirmations. Read this article to learn more about audience email notifications.
Email notifications will come from If you do not receive an email after booking an event, please first check your spam for that email address before informing us.
Here is what these notification emails for hosts typically look like: