Pay What You Wish means that an audience member can adjust what they pay to rent your film - via a Watch Now rental - but within the confines of what you've set.
Simply enable the feature and set your minimum, maximum, and suggested rental price. Your audience members can then adjust their rental fee within that range at checkout.
Pay What You Wish is completely free to turn on. Kinema's per-rental fees of 99 cents + cc fees stay the same, so you can keep any increases in rental prices.
Note: This only applies to Watch Now rentals, not virtual, in person or VOD events.
Enabling Pay What You Wish
Log In to your Kinema account.
Click on your initials, in the upper right hand corner
Select Dashboard
Select the correct Organization Name in the left nav if you have multiple organizations
Click the film title for which you would like to edit
Select Rights from left hand nav
Under Availability, check the box for Watch Now TVOD.
*Please note that your video assets must be encoded before enabling this so reach out to your Kinema representative if it is not and you see this message above. Once your video has been encoded, then you can turn on Rentals.
Go to the Pricing section by clicking on the left hand nav
Once you have checked the box for Watch Now TVOD the Rental Price fields will display here
Check Enable Sliding Scale Pricing. This enables audience members to adjust what they pay to rent your film but within the confines of what you've set.
You will be asked to add the Minimum, Suggested, and Maximum Rental Price to provide a range for guests to Pay What they Wish. Note that the Minimum can not go lower than $1.50.
Minimum Rental Price: This is the lowest amount you're allowing the viewer to pay to rent your film. You cannot go lower than $1.50, which is the platform minimum.*
Suggested Rental Price: You would want audiences to pay this if there was no sliding scale available.
Maximum Rental Price: The absolutely highest you would allow someone to pay to watch the film. Anything up to $500, which is the platform cap.
Pay What You Wish is completely free to turn on. Kinema's per-rental fees of 99 cents + cc fees stay the same, so you can keep any increases in rental prices.
Your audience adjusts their price at checkout.
Users can adjust their price in $1 increments and rent your film as normal.
*If you would like to offer $0 as part of your sliding scale, you will need to cover the costs to deliver the film at $1 per view. You can set this up by contacting your Kinema representative directly.
Thank you! If you have other questions, email