If you believe that any content on Kinema.com violates copyright, is unlawfully licensed, or is offensive, please email hello@kinema.com with the name of the content and the link to where you discovered it. Please include which policy is violated and we will review it immediately.
The following is our definition of "Offensive Content." For more information, please review our Terms of Service, User Guidelines, Privacy Policy and Requirements for Film Submission.
Offensive Content
Kinema is committed to providing a safe and respectful community for all users. We do not tolerate any form of hate speech, harassment, or offensive content. Offensive content includes, but is not limited to any content that:
Is racist, sexist, homophobic, or discriminatory in any way
Is sexually explicit or pornographic in nature
Promotes violence or harm toward others
Is harassing, abusive, or defamatory.
Contains hateful or discriminatory speech
Promotes or supports terror or hate groups
That invades others' privacy or violates their right
Provides instructions on how to assemble homemade explosive/incendiary devices, weapons or firearms
Exploits or endangers minors
Depicts or encourages self-harm or suicide
Depicts animal cruelty or extreme violence toward animals
Promotes fraudulent or dubious money-making schemes
Conveys false or misleading claims about vaccination safety or health-related information that has a serious potential to cause individual or public harm
Spreads false or misleading information about voting or seeks to obstruct voting
Contains denials that a real-world tragedy did not occur
Makes use of fake news, deep-fakes, propaganda, or unproven or debunked theories that have the potential to cause serious harm to a person, group, or the general public.
Violates any applicable law