After purchasing a ticket or RSVPing to any screening event (whether it's in-person, live virtual, or video-on-demand), you will receive a confirmation email containing instructions to access the event.
You always have the option to access your tickets at any time without relying on an email confirmation. Here's how you can do it:
Log into your Kinema account.
Click your initials in the upper right-hand corner.
Select 'Tickets' or, go to
Your Tickets page will display a comprehensive list of all the events for which you have purchased a ticket or RSVPed. Scroll to the event you are looking for.
If the event is open, it will say 'View Screening' or 'Watch Now'.
If the event period has ended, it will be indicated with the event end date.
If you cannot find a specific event on this page, then you do not have any associated tickets. You will need to return to your original invite and visit the event page.